CAE数据高频电感器 - 3D CAE数据(ANSYS HFSS专用)


本公司3D CAD数据的使用注意事项
  • 该模型是模拟各个产品构造的,无法保证利用该模型所计算出的结果是准确的。
  • 该页所刊登的CAD数据以代表尺寸为标准制作而成,与实际产品尺寸可能有所出入。在订购产品之前,谨请核准其产品规格表。
  • 规格若有变更,或若其中产品停产,恕不另行通知。请在订购之前向我公司销售代表或产品工程师查询。
  • 若有任何疑问,请与我公司联系

如果您不同意此使用条件,请勿使用该数据。 使用数据的任何部分则表示您完全无条件地接受以下使用条件。


Restrictions on the use of the DATA

  1. You shall not use the DATA for any purpose other than the computiation of S-parameters by using 3D field simulator.
  2. The DATA is provided on an "AS IS" basis without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of third party rights.
  3. Murata Manifacturing, Co., Ltd. ("Murata") shall not be liable for any damages, including but not limited to any lost profits, lost savings or other incidental or consequential damages, arising out of or relating to the use of or inablility to use the DATA, regardless of any notice of the possibility of such damages, or for any claims made by any third party.
  4. The DATA is subject to change from time to time or products may be discontinued without notice. Please check the latest version.
  5. You acknowlege and agree that the ownership and all intellectual property rights (including but not limited to copyright) of the DATA are held by Murata. You shall not redistribute or reproduce the DATA without prior consent of Murata.
  6. For details about a product, please refer to Murata catalog or approval specifications for the product.
  • The DATA may include the data for discontinued products. Please contact us about the latest production status.



更新 2023/7/20

可左右滑动屏幕 请使用横屏浏览
应用 系列 资料容量 版本
Film Type
LQP02HQ_02(通用) ZIP: 58.9MB R2023及更高版本
ZIP: 61.8MB R2022以前版本
LQP02TN_02(通用) ZIP: 40.2MB R2023及更高版本
ZIP: 45.9MB R2022以前版本
LQP02TQ_02(通用) ZIP: 63.5MB R2023及更高版本
ZIP: 67.0MB R2022以前版本
LQP02HV_02(通用) ZIP: 26.4MB R2023及更高版本
ZIP: 28.0MB R2022以前版本
Film Type
ZIP: 60.4MB R2023及更高版本
ZIP: 67.5MB R2022以前版本
LQP03HQ_02(通用) ZIP: 82.2MB R2023及更高版本
ZIP: 95.4MB R2022以前版本


For How to use this Model, refer to the ANSYS, Inc. web page (In preparation) : Registration Method and How to Use 3D Component Library. 別ウィンドウで開く