Inductors FAQQWhat are possible problems when replacing a product from another manufacturer?

When selecting a Murata inductor according to the nominal inductance value of another manufacturer, the characteristics of the set may not be compatible. This may occur for the following reasons:

  1. The reference point of the inductance value may not match that of the other manufacturer's product.
  2. The wire winding direction may differ from that of the other manufacturer's product.
  3. The frequency characteristic in the high frequency range may differ from that of the other manufacturer's product.

The details for 1 are shown here. See this for more information.

Related FAQs

Q.What are the differences between the LQP03TN and LQP03TG series?

In addition, if the coil structure or orientation differ, the inductance value or Q value characteristics do not match in a higher frequency range than the nominal frequency, or the condition of the magnetic coupling between the coil and external environment differ, then the set characteristics may differ before and after replacement.

We offer the following lineup of products that meet the reference point of the inductance value of other manufacturer's products, but be sure to perform a thorough evaluation before use.

 Size mm (inch) Line up 
 0603(0201)  LQP03TG
 1005(0402)  LQG15HS
 1608(0603)  LQW18AS
 2015(0805)  LQW2BAS
 2520(1008)  LQW2UAS

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