AMR Sensors FAQQIs an actual device assessment required?


〇 It is required.

  • Be sure to always conduct operation verification of the AMR sensor in an actual device.
  • For both the magnet and AMR sensor, the magnet strength and AMR sensor sensitivity vary based on the environment temperature. Higher temperatures result in shorter detection distances (more difficult to turn on), and lower temperatures result in longer detection distances (more difficult to turn off), and so be sure to also conduct assessment in actual usage environments.
  • In cases where the output is expected to change when another magnet comes near during usage, check that operation still returns after the nearby magnet moves away.
  • If there are screws or other magnetic objects in the area around the AMR sensor, the AMR sensor may be affected by the magnetic object.
  • If products are manufactured without fully conducting operation verification, operation defects could occur in the market.
  • Be aware that, even if your company requests a parts study from Murata, a "Pass" result may be obtained when operation of the product itself shows no problems, and identifying the cause of operation defects may be difficult in some cases.

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