Piezoelectric Sounders FAQQPlease tell me how to replace an Electromagnetic Buzzer with a Piezoelectric Sounder (External Drive Type).

A general drive circuit for an electromagnetic buzzer that does not have a built-in drive circuit is shown in Fig.1.
Example of a drive circuit for an electromagnetic buzzer
Fig.1 Example of a drive circuit for an electromagnetic buzzer

You cannot produce a sound from a piezoelectric sounder by simply replacing an electromagnetic buzzer with a piezoelectric sounder in this circuit. It is necessary to replace the diode (used for suppressing spike current) with a resistor as shown in Fig.2.

Example of a drive circuit for a piezoelectric sounder and a piezoelectric diaphragm (external drive type) in the case where a transistor circuit is used
Fig.2 Example of a drive circuit for a piezoelectric sounder

Because a piezoelectric sounder has high impedance and is also voltage-driven, it can be driven directly from an IC. Consequently, the configuration of the drive circuit itself can also be simplified.

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