Leaders' Ambitions

The Innovative Integration of a New Business Category into Murata Culture is Under Way / Tatsuo Bizen

Healthcare represents a new key business domain for Murata.
Experts in this field say that a medical perspective is a key credential here.
Another challenge is the changing of our traditional business model.
In addition to taking advantage of its strengths, Murata will need to develop a scheme to make up for its weaknesses.
The company has just started following this new path, but will likely deliver results soon.

After joining Murata in 1985, Tatsuo Bizen was involved in the development of RF modulessuch as electronic TV tuners and circuit modules for wireless communication. He then served as product manager for RF components and modules in Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden. He was then involved in business management for various circuit modules and became President & CEO, SyChip, Inc., a USA-based Murata subsidiary. He was appointed to his current position in 2009.
Bizen loves listening to music

“We aim to do more than expected and become a dependable supplier.”
BIZEN, Tatsuo

BIZEN, Tatsuo
