Ceramic Capacitors FAQQWhat, specifically, is the “Individual Specification Code” in the part number of a chip multilayer ceramic capacitor? What do the alphanumeric characters in the “Individual Specification Code” mean?


The “Individual Specification Code” in the part number of a chip multilayer ceramic capacitor is a code that makes it possible to distinguish among different products within the same series, aside from points such as size, temperature characteristics, rated voltage, capacitance, and capacitance tolerance. The alphanumeric characters in the Individual Specification Code are used as a “code for distinguishing among products,” and they do not have a shared significance such as “A01 means such and such.”

For example, differences among “Individual Specification Code” values may indicate differences in electrical characteristics, differences in the test voltage used for high temperature load tests, differences in dimensional tolerance, etc.

Check the SimSurfing design support software for electrical characteristics data and the “Detailed specifications sheetDetailed specifications sheet
” for differences related to tests, dimensional tolerances, and the like.

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