Whitepaper Download: An in-depth look at harnessing Power over Coax

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An in-depth look at harnessing Power over Coax

This white paper examines the value of Power over Coax, or PoC. We will highlight how this power transmission method eliminates the need for separate power cables. It also details the function and key requirements of using Bias-T inductors for noise suppression in a PoC circuits. PoC is used in automobiles and industrial equipment. Automotive applications for PoC include cameras for ADAS or surround view, where it helps simplify wiring designs and allows for lighter wiring harnesses. In industrial equipment, PoC applications include cameras for visual inspections and the like. Large manufacturing lines can require very long cables, and PoC makes it possible to reduce the number of cables and simplify cable routing.

In this white paper we will evaluate:

  • Circuits required by PoC
  • Effect of Bias-T circuit on signal lines
  • Impact of cables on signal lines
  • Effects of power supply noise on PoC systems