Pressure SensorTechnical Commentary - Waterproof Barometric Pressure Sensors

Waterproof Barometric Pressure Sensor Mechanics and Principles

Murata waterproof barometric pressure sensor can be fitted into housings with O-rings.
Also, elements such as MEMS and ASIC are covered with metal lids filled with gel to protect the structure and achieve a high level of waterproofing.
The MEMS contact the outside environment via the gel, allowing the sensor to measure atmospheric pressure.

Why is there a need for waterproof barometric pressure sensors?

Devices such as smartphones and smartwatches, which are used in various environments, require a robust, waterproof design. Although a waterproof design can be achieved by hermetically sealing the housing, doing so cuts off the sensor inside from the outside environment, making it impossible to gain accurate atmospheric pressure value readings.
Waterproof film can also be used to keep water entering into the interior, however, the structure makes it difficult to achieve a high-pressure waterproof design.
Murata waterproof barometric pressure sensors maintain a high level of waterproof performance and is mounted on the housing.
They can also directly sense outside spaces for responsive, accurate measurements.

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Non-water-proof type sensor
w/ water resistance film
Non-water-proof type sensor
under housing
Water-proof type sensor
w/ O-ring
Water resistance
  • Low
Water resistance film has limitation for water resistance
  • Very High
There is no hole.
  • High
Waterproof design|O-ring fitting
Pressure accuracy
  • High
Measurement outside directly
  • Low
Because Housing is closed.
  • High
Measurement outside directly