EMI Suppression Filters (EMC and Noise Suppression)<Wireless power transfer> Noise suppression solutions

Along with the rapid spread of mobile devices, businesses concerned with charging those devices have emerged, and wireless power transfer is the most talked about charging tool.
However, unless proper noise suppression measures are taken, wireless power transfer, with all its convenience, still exerts an adverse effect on the equipment in the vicinity with its noise.

Noise problems in wireless power transfer

DC power converted into high-frequency power× Increased possibility for noise to be generated.
Electric power equipment in a non-contact state× Possibility of magnetic flux leakage
Solving the issues involved with wireless power transfer
Cutting-edge Measures to Suppress Noise

Solution offered by Murata (example)

A measure that uses common mode choke coils and LW reverse capacitors proves to be effective.

Solving the issues involved with wireless power transfer