NTC ThermistorsWhere to Buy / Distributor Inventory

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  1. We will send you an email after your account is created. Follow the instructions in the email to complete the account registration process.
  2. Sign in - my Murata
  3. It may take several days before you are able to use the site.
  4. Check the details of your application, and enter the necessary information such as the address where the samples should be sent. When your application is complete, a notification of completion will be sent automatically to the email address registered to your my Murata account.
  • *Please be aware that sample requests may occasionally be canceled for various reasons.
  • *You may not request samples of the same part number more than once within a 30-day period.
  • *
    You must enable cookies in your browser in order to use the my Murata free sample request program. Please also refer to our policy regarding samples.

Purchase a sample (Authorized distributor stock check)

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