Sound Components (Buzzer)Piezoelectric Diaphragms: Precautions When Handling Lead Wires

Precautions to observe when mounting the Diaphragm

Applicable Series
7BB Series (with lead wire)

Do not pull on a lead wire or handle it in such a way that it becomes bent.

The lead wire may separate from the soldering point or become an open circuit, which would prevent sound from being emitted.

How the failure occurs

The material of the electrode on the ceramic side consists mainly of silver. This silver electrode is made by printing silver in the form of a paste on both sides of the ceramic. It is then baked at high temperature to complete the electrode.

When the bond between the silver electrode and the ceramic becomes strong, the ceramic no longer expands or contracts easily, and the electrical characteristics deteriorate (the sound pressure falls). Conversely, if the adhesive strength is weak, the ceramic will readily expand and contract, and the electrical characteristics will improve (the sound pressure will increase).

In this way, he adhesive strength of the silver electrode has an inverse relation to the electrical characteristics. Because the product is designed to ensure that both the adhesive strength and electrical characteristics are optimum, a limit is imposed on the adhesive strength.

Separation of the lead wire
from the soldering point due to pulling
Open circuit due to bending of a lead wire


Electrode face at the point where
lead wire separation occurred
Soldering point where lead wire
separation occurred
  1. Electronic Components
  2. Sound Components (Buzzer)
  3. Precautions for use of Sound Components